Wednesday, June 5, 2013

I Was Just Listening To This Song!

Hey world! Two posts are happening today! Woo! Wait a minute, maybe not, I haven't decided whether the book I may or may not review after this one is too good to review or not. Hmm. Well, I'll just write this post and think about that at the same time! Three cheers for multi-tasking! Although studies show multitasking is bad for your brain and leads to attention and focusing issues. Just something to think about. Okay, books now!

So, somewhere around yesterday I completed a lovely little tale called So Long and Thanks for All the Fish by the ever-amazing Douglas Adams! It is the forth book in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy "trilogy." The sixth book in this trilogy was written by Eoin Colfer, so I may not read that one until I feel the boycott has gone on long enough. The next one in the series is called Mostly Harmless and I'll probably review here later, but for now, you can look here for the book in the series before this one. Last thing for this paragraph, the lovely Amazon link

Summaryish: So this book is all about how Arthur Dent finally returns home to a mysteriously not-exploded Earth and falls in love with a nice lady. Then some other stuff happens, and he and the nice lady try to figure out where all the dolphins have gone, and why the Earth is still there! They meet a crazy person, and eventually Ford comes back and helps them figure out the mystery. Wow, that was a bad summary, I thought I was getting better at this? Oh well, win some, lose some.

Review: This book was absolutely fantastic! It was oddly less wacky than usual, but it was still wonderfully enjoyable! It was short, which is sad, but it's a series, which is happy! But the series is coming to an end, which is double sad. I can't wait to see what happens next! Someone take me to the library right now! Actually, I still have about 8 books left, so it's not urgent yet. 

Words to the Characters:

Arthur: I would be just as confused if I found out Earth wasn't destroyed by Vogons after all. 

Fenchurch: I feel like your name is a reference to something. I'll have to Google it. Or Bing it as I have recently discovered Bing is just as nice as Google. 

Okay, I'll be posting again later today, but not now because I'm loaning away my computer. Hm. A borrower nor a lender be...I hope this doesn't come back to haunt me.

Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxx
Anonymous Book Reviewer. 

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